How to print multiple smartforms for each document number BELNR(FI Doc number) provided on the selection-screen in select-option.
Here again we need to print Original and one Copy for each belnr document number and only ORIGINAL and COPY TEXT will differ in both the smartforms.
first print BELNR-1 Original
second print BELNR-1 COPY
first print BELNR-2 Original
Second print BELNR-2 Copy ....and so on Like in this order it should get printed. we should be able to see PDF preview of all printoutput as in the mentioned order in the pdf preview also.
Please help the best way to do coding in driver program and smartform and what control and output parameters and looping part.
whethter we need to do all calucations and item data population for each belnr in smartform and then loop for each belnr and pass it to smartform.
Thanks ,