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T-code create PO ME21N: Runtime Error CONVT_NO_NUMBER at program SAPLMEPO include MM06EF0B_BUCHEN


Dear Experts,


When I'm creating a purchase order that have 10 items (or above), a runtime error occured. Below is the error message.

Category:          ABAP Programming Error

Runtime Errors: CONVT_NO_NUMBER


Include              MM06EF0B_BUCHEN

Application Component MM-PUR


An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.

This exception cannot be caught in the context of the current statement. The reason for the exception is:  An attempt was made to interpret value "*" as a number. As this value contravenes the rules for displaying numbers correctly, this was not possible.


Below is the code where an exception occurred:


DATA indx.

     indx = 1.

* Need to merge KNT and XEKKN

* algorithm is: if knt is old, use knt. Else use the equivalent from xekkn

     LOOP AT knt.

       IF knt-updkz EQ oldpos.

         MOVE-CORRESPONDING knt TO lt_ekkn.


        READ TABLE xekkn INDEX indx.

         MOVE-CORRESPONDING xekkn to lt_ekkn.

         indx = indx + 1.


       APPEND lt_ekkn.

     ENDLOOP.                    "v 2068862



It seems that the data type of indx (char 1), but when PO item index = 9, then  index = 10 (actual value is * in debug mode ), so exception is happened.


How should I solve this problem?




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