Hi all,
i have developed a kapsel push notification cordova based app which is linked to my HCPms cockpit and i followed the below document to develop.
Getting Started with Kapsel - Part 4 -- Push
How to use Push Notifications with HANA Cloud Platform mobile services
App successfully registered with HCPms, and i could see the APP registred ID in cockpit : ed0f5105-2bc4-4xxxc5-axxx-bxxxxxxxxxxx,
where the others requirements are as follows
API Key : AIzaSyAxxxXXXOo0OC0npExxx4XaD8tHCqvBQxx
Sender ID : 2982XXXXXXXX
Notification user has been assinged in the HCPms.
Turned on push service in GCM.
APPCID : ed0f5105-2bc4-4xxxc5-axxx-bxxxxxxxxxxx.
Android.Manifest file has been configured correctly by adding required permissions and plugins
Now i am able to register and unregister from my HCPms cockpit but could able to send the push notification to my app on android device.
the below is the url i found to trigger the notifications on my HCPms.
https://hcpms-pXXXXXXXXXtrial.hanatrial.ondemand.com/Notification - which is mentioned in my HCPMS
but when my device is registered i am got as
So what is the exact way to trgger the notification and did i missed any thing else.
I tried the above one and tried other ways to trigger using REST client but couldnt able to get succeed and i am getting "403 FORBIDDEN" error .
1. Install POSTMAN in your Google Chrome browser.
2. Start POSTMAN. Adding True Mobile Capabilities 12.6 © Rheinwerk Publishing, Boston 2015 49
3. Select Basic Auth.
4. Enter your SAP HCP user credentials.
5. Select Post as the HTTP Method to Execute.
6. Select the destination URL: https://hcpms-trial.hanatrial.ondemand.com/restnotification/application/com.hcpbook.hybrid This URL format is used to notify all users of the specified application. (Note: The synopsis of your SAP HCPms application definition shows a push URL, but it is not quite correct in the current release of SAP HCPms; replace /Notification with /restnotification as shown previously.)
7. Add a Content-Type HTTP header; set the value to application/json.
8. Select Raw and JSON for Content Type.
9. Add the following payload message text: {"alert":"Your latest meme is available for review", "data": "foo" }.
10. Click Send.
So can any one help me out what the exact way to trigger the notification to my registered device.
pls find the attached images to get clarification.