This post has the objective to show the logic of the following 3 blogs:
Develop and send your first outbound ABAP Proxy to SAP PI - for dummies part 1 of 3
Multimapping in SAP PI (Graphical / Java: Simple, DOM, SAX / XSLT, ABAP) - for dummies part 2 of 3
Proposal: We are going to implement an ABAP Proxy from ECC to transform the information into SAP PI with a Multimapping solution and then we are going to deliver the information to 2 different servers WITHOUT ccBPM.
1.- Architecture: the following diagram shows the idea, graphically:
2.- BASIS:
- We are not going to show details in this point, but is important to say that you must to prepare your different servers in order to get connectivity between SAP instances and non SAP instances, like: configure ABAP Proxy communication in ECC / PI, configure your PI to see the XSLT and ABAP mapping options into your operation mapping, etc.
- For example in "References section of this post" you can find information like this:How to register ABAP Mapping in SAP PI Exchange Profile
3.- SAP PI – Enterprise Service Repository:
- Deliver the dependencies to be able to begin with the "development process" into ECC ABAP Proxy and PI mapping / transformation:
- Create metadata (data types, message types)
- Create service interfaces (outbound, inbound)
- Mappings - Multimapping in SAP PI (Graphical / Java: Simple, DOM, SAX / XSLT, ABAP) - for dummies part 2 of 3
- Graphical:
- Create message mapping (assign the message type sender and receiver, and then map the nodes)
- Java:
- Use SAP Netweaver Developer Studio,
- Add the Jars that you need to use when implement in SAP PI,
- Implement your 3 Java mappings (Simple, DOM and SAX)
- Export your .Jar file that is going to be imported into SAP PI,
- Use SAP Netweaver Developer Studio,
- Graphical:
- Into PI:
- Create an Imported Archive object,
- Import your .Jar file into your Imported Archive
- Out of PI: Copy the code into your bloc notes program of Windows and save it as: firstXSLT.xsl
- Into PI: créate other imported archive object and then import your .XSL file.
- Implement it first into ABAP stack of your PI server, using transaction SE80
- Operation Mapping:
- Assign your service interfaces,
- Into mapping box:
- Identify your Java mappings,
- Identify your Graphical mappings,
- Identify your XSL mappings,
- Just assign the name of your ABAP Mapping class implemented in ABAP stack.
- TEST YOUR OPERATION MAPPING, MAPPING BY MAPPING (FROM is to choose the mapping where you will begin to test, and TO is used to choose the mapping where you want to end your test of all your mappings selected:
4.- SAP PI – Integration Directory:
- Create a Configuration Scenario:
- Dont create Communication Channel sender,
- Dont create Sender Agreement,
- Create 2 Interface determination and assign your operation mapping created from Integration Repository (1 for BC_SENDER to BC_REC_1 and the 2nd for BC_SENDER to BC_REC_2 ),
- IMPORTANT OBJET TO SPLIT: create just 1 receiver determination to Split your flows, this object is for both flows,
- Create 2 receiver agreement, each one for (1 for BC_REC_1 and 2nd for BC_REC_2),
- Create 2 communication channel receivers (1 for BC_REC_1 and 2nd for BC_REC_2),
- Validate that your flow is correct:
5.- ECC - Develop and send your first outbound ABAP Proxy to SAP PI - for dummies part 1 of 3
- After in PI was implemented de service interface sender with their data and message type, you are able to see your proxy into SPROXY transaction, so just implement it as the post.
- The common issues must be for ABAP logic problems or BASIS problems, so you need to solve it depending of your case,
6- Execute your interface - Execute your SAP PI scenario from ABAP Proxy to PI (multimapping) to 2 receiver systems - for dummies part 3 of 3
- Follow the blog to test your scenario,
- Execute your abap proxy program to send the rows,
- Validate that the message flows into PI were executed succesfully,
- Validate that both receiver systems, received the information, correctly.
I hope you can enjoy it, but if you have doubts, fell free to ask me!!...