Looking to round a number from my formula to the nearest whole number regardless the decimal value it comes up with. I am calculating container usage here. If I have 200 parts and the container only holds 48 parts it will use 4.16667 containers. So I would need my answer to be 5.
Here is my formula that I am using:
Shared NumberVar TotalNum;
Shared NumberVar BinsParts;
If {V_Part_Rel.Std_Pack_QTY}>1 then
BinsParts :=(if (TotalNum=0) then 0
else (TotalNum / {V_PART_REL.std_Pack_QTY}));
When it prints on my report BinsParts will show 4.1667, I seen function using Ceiling but when I tried to put it in front of BinsParts it error out saying the remaining text does not appear to be part of the formula.
Ceiling(BinsParts,1) := continue with formula above....
Any suggestions would be helpful.
Thank you in advance.