Hi all,
Yesterday we experienced at a customer , one table of our database did not validate anymore. We tried to unload the full database, thats how we found the 'bad' table. We unloaded the rows from this table, dropped the table, recreated the table , uploaded our unloaded rows , and did a dbvalidate afterwards. Problem solved. But our customer wants to know how this happened ?
What has caused this ? And how to avoid this in future ? We didn't change our software , its been running on the same version and on the same server for months/years. I've done some reading (assertion errors and so on...) but i can't explain to my customers , it could be a sofware cause , or a hardware cause , or ... Customers most of the time are not IT technical database skilled people.
Any way of explaining this to my client ?
Any way of tracing/finding out what the problem was based on the corrupt db ? I do have a copy.