Hi to all!
We have an application, which uses function module GUI_DOWNLOAD
This application is available in SAP GUI for HTML
We can work fine with our application in webGUI, including file download.
It works in these environments:
Internet Explorer 8 (32bit), java version 6.45 (32bit)
IE 8 (32bit), Java version 7.55 (32 bit)
it also works in IE10 with compatibility mode turned on.
Event sequence in Web GUI after calling GUI_DOWNLOAD is:
1. I am redirected to the page with title 'Transfer an Internal Table to Frontend'
2. It refreshes automatically several times (according to number of transferred packages)
3. After processing all transfer packages, I am redirected back to my UI with the success message (xxx bytes transferred)
4. The file is present in file system. Everything's ok
When we are calling our application through web gui from another machine, which is located in another network (accessing our server through port 8001 is allowed)
It has IE9 (32bit), java version 6.45 (32bit), everything works fine
EXCEPT file downloading.
The event sequence differs:
1. Redirect to the page 'Transfer an Internal Table to Frontend'
2. Page is not refreshed automatically. Instead of the message about file saving, there is an error icon.
I need to manually allow operation by right-clicking the field with error icon and choosing 'Allow' (or by pressing Enter).
I need to repeat this operation several times (according to number of packages)
3. After processing all packages, I am redirected back with success message, BUT No file is present in my file system.
Our system's component version: 7.0 EHP 1, patch level 9
Any ideas about what is wrong and what I can try to do?
Thank you in advance!