I have a team mate getting the attached error (and assorted other errors). This tends to happen after a predictive algorithm has run and viewing the results. It happens in both HANA Online and OFFLINE (working from a CSV) modes. The error message is "An internal error occurred while parsing the data" This particular error was generated in HANA online mode after running a summary on the dataset (just clicking "run up to here" on the data source"). To me, it looks like this is an internal PA issue (especially because it is occurring off HANA and on HANA).
This team member just downloaded the 30 day free trial version of PA linkable from SCN, but it says it is supposed to be "fully functional". I have never seen anything like this before
Log text accompanying error:
2015/06/05 16:14:53.571000|>>|E| | 3068| 37| |||||||||||||||Error while getting Folder Location
2015/06/05 16:14:53.611000|>>|E| | 3068| 37| |||||||||||||||[com.sap.pa.exception.PAESFrameworkException]Error while generating the PAViz Results
2015/06/05 16:14:53.661000|>>|E| | 3068| 37| |||||||||||||||[error executing scriptwhile trying to invoke the method java.sql.Connection.prepareStatement(java.lang.String) of a null object loaded from field com.sap.hilo.desktop.predict.results.viz.common.VizBaseQueryProcessor.conn of an object loaded from local variable 'this']
2015/06/05 16:14:53.661000|>>|E| | 3068| 37| |||||||||||||||[java.lang.NullPointerException]Error whiel deleting the temp Objects