Hello all, we have a requirement to carry the plant ID from the billing document to the accounting document. The, from the accounting document to any subsequent residual payments.
I am investigating using RV_ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT_CREATE to pass the plant from the billing document to BSEG_XREF1
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to pass from the accounting document to the residual postings?
A couple items to note:
We are on ECC6 using Classic GL
We can have MANY (many many) residual postings for one billing document
We can have several invoices short paid in the residual posting
Invoice 9012345 Plant ABCD Amount $500,000.00
Invoice 9065432 Plant FGHI Amount $250,000.00
Invoice 9099887 Plant ZXCV Amount $900,000.00
And maybe dozens more...
Residual payment 140001 Amount $100,000.00
Line 1 9012345 ABCD 50,000.00
Balance 9012345 ABCD 450,000.00
Line 2 9065432 FGHI 25,000.00
Balance 9065432 FGHI 225,000.00
Line 3 9099887 ZXCV 25,000.00
Balance 9099887 ZXCV 875,000.00
It is on the "Balance" lines that are carried as the new open items that we need the plant. We also need the original billing document. Since we can receive many payments, it would also need to post from residual payment 140001 to the next residual payment 140002 for example.
Any suggestions?