We currently have to migrate WAD to Design studio application.
One of those WAD displays 17 queries in a row, and is exported to PDF bu the user (for archiving).
We tried to replicate this report, and managed to, but we encountered some weird behavior. I am insterested to see if you had as well and which solution did you found ...
For instance, we used the background processing event (doBackgroundProcessing) to have a fast display of the application, and we thought as each datasource would be loaded, the corresponding crosstab would be rendered.
But instead of this cool behavior, DS waits for all datasources to be loaded to render the crosstabs (even if DS1 is already when DS15 is still loading). This is bothersome as some queries takes only 2 seconds to run when other takes 15s.
The other issue concerns for the PDF export.
We tried to use .exportApplication() but the result is nor pretty nor usable: No title, first columns are duplicated, columns length are the same for all when we could have one with 2 char and the other with 60 (The big one is clipped and overwritten bu following cells).
.exportApplicationScreen works, but only export the first page, where we wanted the whole page ...
So, questions: have you met this issues and how did you managed to overcome them ?
Thank you.
BO: 41 SP3, DS 1.5 SP02