I created Decision table using API and I am successful. Now When I am trying to delete using API Decision table is not getting delete. Below is the code. Please help.
*Get FDT factory instance
lo_factory = cl_fdt_factory=>if_fdt_factory~get_instance( ).
*Get DT instance
lo_dt ?= lo_factory->get_expression( iv_id = iwa_del_dt-dt_id ).
*check for locks
IF lo_dt->if_fdt_transaction~is_enqueued( ) IS NOT INITIAL.
*Get Function instance.
lo_fun ?= lo_factory->get_function( iv_id = iwa_del_dt-fun_id ).
*check for locks
IF lo_fun->if_fdt_transaction~is_enqueued( ) IS NOT INITIAL.
lo_fun->if_fdt_transaction~delete( )." function delete
lo_dt->if_fdt_transaction~delete( ). "Decision table delete