Hi all, I was wondering if anybody could help me? I'm new to design studio and am having a problem displaying text from a BW query in a text box. My issue is that the text needs to be displayed based upon a display sequence value.
So from the example above I have 3 text boxes that need to display the description based upon the display order. I have created 3 DataSources each one is restricted on a different display order. When I Edit the initial view I see one value of "XYZ", "ABC" & "EFG". The BW query also looks like the above graphic.
I have created a global script that contains the below code:
TEXT_1.setText(DS_1.getMembers("ZDESC", 1).pop().text);
TEXT_2.setText(DS_2.getMembers("ZDESC", 1).pop().text);
TEXT_3.setText(DS_3.getMembers("ZDESC", 1).pop().text);
This produces the below values in the text boxes.
Whatever I do the report always brings the first value based upon the alphabetical order of the description. I have even restricted the actual BW query to "XYZ" but still the description in the text box says "ABC" I have also tried to Exclude "ABC" but the Text still displays "ABC" even though if I run the BW query it shows the correct filtered value and the Edit initial view shows the correct value.
Could anyone suggest where I may be going wrong please? Points will be awarded for Helpful & Correct answers.