I. the citizenship.
When we encounter the right to accessibility and mobility, we are also considering another universal rights: freedom of thought, or better yet, the freedom of a person to express his thoughts and collaborate in full to the existing knowledge.
In the society of collaboration, freedom of thought and the full collaboration whose main factor generosity, that is, to be cooperating fully, the feeling of becoming an active part of society and, if so, globally, is bigger and more rewarding.
The person becomes successful in their collaboration.
We become responsible for collaborating in the generation of knowledge and actively participate in the search for the common good and the welfare of all.
We are aware that our actions are effective for all those with whom we relate, now globally, are successful.
We do not want just connect us; we want to go beyond, we want to generate knowledge and make it available.
We want to be active citizens and respected, with our rights and duties in a global and comprehensive perspective.
There is no denying: the collaboration must be comprehensive and full of all and for all.